The books posted on this page are not yet public domain but are out of print and unavailable for purchase. The goal is assist scholars and other users in research and other non-commercial endeavors.
(If you're a publisher and it really bothers you I'll take it down but if it really bothered you, why isn't it in print and available for purchase in the first place? The point of copyright is to protect the rights of creators, not cause works of art and literature to become lost to history)
Books sorted alphabetically by last name of author
Basil Atkinson - Life and Immortality: An Examination of the Nature and Meaning of Life and Death as They Are Revealed in the Scriptures
Well-regarded but very difficult-to-find book that makes a strong case for conditional immortality.
Atkinson, Basil - Life and Immortality | |
File Size: | 18364 kb |
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Iain Campbell and William Schweitzer (Ed.) - Engaging With Keller
2013 anthology addressing hermenuetics and doctrines of Time Keller - extremely difficult to find (due to sins and actions of editor).
Campbell, Iain and Schweitzer, William (eds.) - Engaging With Keller | |
File Size: | 27907 kb |
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Nigel Cameron (Ed.) - Universalism and the Doctrine of Hell
Substantial multi-contributor volume on the doctrine of hell (includes essay by the late John Wenham).
Cameron, Nigel (Ed.) - Universalism and the Doctrine of Hell | |
File Size: | 73046 kb |
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Eryl Davies - Wrath of God
Short volume on hell and the wrath of God in Christian theology (Welsh)
Davies, Eryl - Wrath of God | |
File Size: | 17206 kb |
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Edmund Flood - Parables For Now
Brief but useful volume on Jesus's parables from a Roman Catholic perspective (Volume I).
Flood, Edmund - Parables For Now | |
File Size: | 5479 kb |
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Edmund Flood - More Parables For Now
Brief but useful volume on Jesus's parables from a Roman Catholic perspective (Volume II).
Flood, Edmund - More Parables For Now | |
File Size: | 5617 kb |
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Kenneth Gentry - God's Law in the Modern World
Brief volume arguing in favor of theonomy (it was my first exposure formal exposure to the idea)
Gentry, Kenneth - God's Law in the Modern World | |
File Size: | 12538 kb |
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John Gerstner - Repent or Perish
Oft-cited work on hell in favor of the traditional Christian view of eternal conscious punishment.
Gerstner, John - Repent or Perish | |
File Size: | 9611 kb |
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Carl Henry - Evangelicals at the Brink of Crisis
Carl Henry, and this work in particular, or often cited when discussing the history of social justice in evangleicalism.
Henry, Carl - Evangelicals at the Brink of Crisis | |
File Size: | 34889 kb |
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David Moore - The Battle For Hell
Oft-cited work on hell in favor of the traditional Christian view of eternal conscious punishment.
Moore, David - The Battle For Hell | |
File Size: | 18586 kb |
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The Rev. Wm. P. Nicholson - God's Hell and Other Addresses
Collection of sermons on hell and related topics - very hard to find for purchase (I got lucky)
Nicholson, Wm. P - God's Hell and Other Addresses | |
File Size: | 29325 kb |
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